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Retail Economic News Archive

ONS Labour Market January 2020

18 February 2020

The UK labour market hit another record in the final three months of 2019, with the proportion of 16 to 64 year olds in work reaching an all-time high according to ONS data. However, earnings growt...

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GfK Consumer Confidence - January 2020

31 January 2020

Early indications suggest a modest Boris bounce in consumer sentiment, with GfK’s Consumer Confidence measure increasing by two points to -9 in January. Four out of the five compone...

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ONS Retail Sales December 2019

17 January 2020

Retail sales (value, non-seasonally adjusted, excluding fuel) rose by 3.4% year-on-year in December following a 0.3% dip in the previous month according to the latest figures from the ONS.

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RICS Residential Market Survey December 2019

16 January 2020

RICS has reported an uplift in housing market activity following the Conservative government win. New instructions to market properties, as well as buyer demand and agreed sales, moved into positiv...

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Visa Consumer Spending Index December 2019

16 January 2020

Visa's UK Consumer Spending Index continued to fall in December, with expenditure down by 1.2% year-on-year, driven by a strong ecommerce performance. This was up on the 2.0% decline in Novembe...

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GDP Monthly Estimate: November 2019

13 January 2020

UK gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.1% in the three months to November, slowing on October’s 0.2% rise which, along with September’s data, has been upwardly revised. Growth...

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Halifax House Price Index December 2019

08 January 2020

House prices in December showed the greatest gains in 2019 according to Halifax, with prices up by 1.7% on the previous month. In annual terms, house prices increased at their fastest pac...

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GfK Consumer Confidence - December 2019

20 December 2019

In the run up to the general election, GfK’s Consumer Confidence measure increased three points to -11 in December, as consumer became more optimistic about the year ahead. Four out...

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ONS Retail Sales November 2019

19 December 2019

Retail sales (value, non-seasonally adjusted, excluding fuel) dipped 0.2% year-on-year in November according to the latest figures from the ONS. However, retail data for November has been distorted...

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Visa Consumer Spending Index November 2019

18 December 2019

Visa's UK Consumer Spending Index dipped for a fourteenth consecutive month in November, with expenditure down by 2.0% year-on-year as ecommerce and store sales slipped back. However, the later...

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ONS Labour Market December 2019

17 December 2019

The UK labour market retained strength in the run up to the Halloween Brexit deadline, with the proportion of 16 to 64 year olds in work reaching an all-time high according to ONS data released thi...

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