2. The evolution of online spend
Online retail spending increased more than four-fold from £13.8 billion in 2008 to over £70 billion in 2018, as online accessibility and retailers’ propositions improved.
Figure 5: Online retail has risen four-fold in the last 10 years to £70 billion

Source: Retail Economics
3. Importance of age for category penetration
Significant differences are arising within consumer age groups and genders, with differences depending on life stage, life events, socioeconomic background and region.
Figure 7: % of sales online by age group

4. Increased pace and spend of online
62% of younger consumers shop online at least every fortnight compared with 29% of those aged 65 and over. Unsurprisingly, there was a correlation between younger consumers purchasing more frequently, which diminished across older age groups.
Figure 8: Frequency of online shopping by age

Source: Retail Economics
These trends raise challenging questions about the cost of fulfilment and the cost per acquisition of customers.
Figure 10: What are the three most important factors when you shop online

Source: Retail Economics
The growth of online in the next decade
The four reasons above mainly deal with past and current factors contributing to the rise of online, however when looking at current and future trends, it is clear that technology, shopper demographics and continuing structural shifts within the industry will propel online even further.
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This work was conducted by Retail Economics in partnership with Womble Bond Dickinson. It looks at the development of technology within the UK retail industry and the rise of the online channel, accounting for past, present and future factors. The research forecasts that the ‘digital tipping point’ where online with surpass in-store spend will be around 2028 (based on given assumptions). Topics covered: the evolving customer journey, online penetration, shopper demographics, delivery developments, store roles, digital technology, AI and future risks.
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